It derived its name from the abundance and luxuriance of the apple, pear and other fruit trees in the neighbourhood. (bears, produces) " You should pick the fruit soon. " Grazing is the principal industry, but sugar-cane, tobacco and fruit are cultivated. Trade is in cider, cattle, butter, flowers and fruit, and there are salmon and other fisheries. Parramatta was one of the earliest seats of the tweed manufacture, but its principal industrial dependence has been on the fruit trade. The fruits and spices of the Bahamas are very numerous, the fruit. The value of the fruit crop, for which Delaware has long been noted, also increased during the same decade, but disease and frost caused a marked decline in the production of peaches, a loss balanced by an increased production of apples, pears and other orchard fruits. Search Baby Names, meanings and origins. The medieval studies which Wagner had begun for his work at the libretto of Tannhauser bore rich fruit in his next opera Lohengrin, in which he also developed his principles on a larger scale and with a riper technique than hitherto. Practice Fruits ESL English Vocabulary using this Volley Game. The list also includes names for more exotic tropical fruit. It has some comparatively insignificant industries, such as tanning and tobacco manufacture; its direct trade is in wine and fruit. The principal exports are grain, livestock and fruit. Fruit and hops are extensively grown in the neighbourhood. Jackson picked up an apple from the bowl of fruit, tossed it in the air, caught it, then bit into it. All Rights Reserved. It frequently happens that the perfume of a flower or the flavour of a fruit recalls to her mind some happy event in home life, or a delightful birthday party. The ita palm, Mauritia, flexuosa (a fanleaf palm) provides an edible fruit, medullary meal, drink, fibre, roofing and timber, but is less used on the Amazon than it is on the lower Orinoco. BIBIRINE, or Bebeerine, C19H21N03, an alkaloid obtained from the bark and fruit of the greenheart tree, Nectandra rodiaei, called bibiru or sipiri in Guiana, where the tree grows. 0 Besides fruits of nearly all kinds there are cultivated in the low moist regions the sugar-cane, the tea, coffee and tobacco plants, arrowroot, cayenne pepper, cotton, &c. Halloween words! In the Bergedorf district lies the Vierlande, or Four Districts (Neuengamme, Kirchwarder, Altengamme and Curslack), celebrated for its fruit gardens and the picturesque dress of the inhabitants. It can be used to energize a dull class, to review work that was done or simply as a reward for good classroom work. The district produces hops and fruit, and there is trade in cider. The plants have a rhizome or corm, and the fruit is a capsule. The Jargonelle should be allowed to remain on the tree and be pulled daily as wanted, the fruit from standard trees thus succeeding the produce of the wall trees. Jackson picked up an apple from the bowl of fruit, tossed it in the air, caught it, then bit into it. Located right off the kitchens, the cafeteria was awash with the smells of bread, fruit pies and the jerk-spiced meat the Caribbean was renowned for. The fruit is a capsule containing three seeds rather larger than cobnuts, having a brown smooth surface figured with black patches. The flowers are borne in a terminal raceme, the anthers open introrsely and the fruit is a capsule, very rarely, as in Dianella, a berry. On the old clearings of another village Mr Bates himself, although he did not see a gorilla, saw the fresh tracks of these great apes and the torn stems and discarded fruit rinds of the "mejoms," as well as the broken stalks of the latter, which had been used for beds. Presently they came to a low plant which had broad, spreading leaves, in the center of which grew a single fruit about as large as a peach. Einstein once stated that it is not the fruits of scientific research that elevate man and enrich his nature, but the urge to understand. The fruit of the peach is produced on the ripened shoots of the preceding year. Sueca has a thriving trade in grain and fruit from the Jucar valley, which is irrigated by waterways created by the Moors. The barberry's brilliant fruit was likewise food for my eyes merely; but I collected a small store of wild apples for coddling, which the proprietor and travellers had overlooked. The sugars obtained from honey were investigated by Lowitz and Proust, and the latter decided on three species: (I) cane sugar, (2) grape sugar, and (3) fruit sugar; the first has the formula C12H2201,, the others C 6 H 12 0 6. Holland is a grain and fruit shipping centre, and among its manufactures are furniture, leather, grist mill products, iron, beer, pickles, shoes, beet sugar, gelatine, biscuit (Holland rusk), electric and steam launches, and pianos. As in .` the case of the apple disease it forms large irregular blackish blotches on the fruit and leaves, the injury being often very severe especially in a cool, damp season. ADVERTISEMENTS: (C) Schizocarpic Fruits (Splitting Fruits): These fruits fall in between the above-mentioned two categories. 7 letters Fruits - there are 117 entries in our Crossword Clue database. During that time the earth bore no fruit, and the inhabitants of the world were threatened with starvation. (Only one piece of fruit) There is a lot of fruit on the table. For instance, did the original story mention two trees, or only one, of which the fruit was taboo? In well-developed shoots the buds are generally double, or rather triple, a wood bud growing between two fruit buds; the shoot must be cut back to one of these, or else to a wood bud alone, so that a young shoot may be produced to draw up the sap beyond the fruit, this being generally desirable to secure its proper swelling. He says, "From the year 1725 to 1729, I preached much, but saw no fruit to my labour. Find Names. The fruit is a capsule splitting generally by three longitudinal slits forming valves which remain united above and below. long, contain a crimson pulp from which the Pimos and Papagos Indians prepare an excellent preserve; and they also use the ripe fruit as an article of food, gathering it by means of a forked stick attached to a long pole. The solution is APPLE: … I want the flower and fruit of a man; that some fragrance be wafted over from him to me, and some ripeness flavor our intercourse. As a preventive repeated spraying with dilute Bordeaux mixture is recommended, during the flowering season and early development of the fruit. From the year 1729 to 1734, laying a deeper foundation of repentance, I saw a little fruit. It may also be stated here that when occasion arises peachtrees well furnished with buds may be transplanted and forced immediately without risking the crop of fruit, a matter of some importance when, as sometimes happens, a tree may accidentally fail. Its industries comprise wire-drawing, tanning and saw-milling, and there is a considerable trade in wine, fruit and other agricultural produce. Smilacoideae are climbing shrubs with broad net-veined leaves and small dioecious flowers in umbels springing from the leaf-axils; the fruit is a berry. This is what the Gospel of Christ aims chiefly at producing as its proper fruit; and the Apostolic Fathers would have desired no better record than that they were themselves genuine "epistles of Christ.". He purified the administration of justice; he encouraged the arts and sciences; he fostered national interests, and he induced other countries to recognize that independence which was in a great measure the fruit of his own exertions. The largest of the public squares in Hamburg is the Hopfenmarkt, which contains the church of St Nicholas (Nikolaikirche) and is the principal market for vegetables and fruit. The city is in the Kansas-Oklahoma oil and gas field, and is surrounded by a fine farming and dairying region, in which special attention is given to the raising of small fruit; oil, gas, cement rock and brick shale are found in the vicinity. cerevisiae, is never found wild, but the wine yeasts occur abundantly in the soil of vineyards, and so are always present on the fruit, ready to ferment the expressed juice. Fresh fruits are flown in daily. Growing specimens of good colour and in fruit are if possible selected, and cleansed as much as practicable from adhering foreign particles, either in the sea or a rocky pool. If we come across another of the strange fruit we must avoid it. Hundreds of acres of wheat are lost annually in America by the ravages of the Hessian fly; the fruit flies of Australia and South Africa cause much loss to orange and citron growers, often making it necessary to cover the trees in muslin tents for protection. In many years quite half the apple crop is lost in England owing to the larvae destroying the fruit. The natural products include fine cabinet and construction woods, rubber, fruit, palm oil and fibres. It is situated near the Guanajibo river, in a fertile agricultural region which produces sugar, coffee, fruit, cacao and tobacco. Coconut. These are the variations. states that gorillas only leave the depths of the forest to enter the outlying clearings in the neighbourhood of human settlements when they are attracted by some special fruit or succulent plant; the favourite being the fruit of the "mejom," a tall cane-like plant (perhaps a kind of Amomum) which grows abundantly on deserted clearings. The best summing up and ripest fruit of the critical labour since then are Professor H. But grapes and fruit are amongst the most valuable of the crops. She'd been drinking fruit punch when she felt drowsy. les fruits. After gathering the fruit all the wood not needed for extending the tree or for fruit bearing next season should be cut out so as to give the shoots left full exposure to air and light. Fruit suffers much from the larvae of the Geometridae, the socalled "looper-larvae" or " canker-worms.". The stories behind fruit names are as diverse as the fruit themselves, and they can provide insight into the history of the fruit trade. His first publication, in 1819, a translation of the Analyse du fruit of L. Palma has a thriving trade in grain, wine, oil, almonds, fruit, vegetables, silk, foodstuffs and livestock. Xenophon makes no mention of the peach, though the Ten Thousand must have traversed the country where, according to some, the peach is native; but Theophrastus, a hundred years later, does speak of it as a Persian fruit, and De Candolle suggests that it might have been introduced into Greece by Alexander. The town is noted for its fruit, especially its vines; and it exports tissues, carpets, hides, yellow berries and dried fruit. Among fruit trees, besides the wild fruits already mentioned, are the pineapple, mango, papua, guava, grenadilla, rose apple, custard apple, soursop, loquat, naartje, shaddock and citrous fruits. Besides its manufactures of leather, silk, velvet and ribbons, Gandia has a thriving export trade in fruit, and imports coal, guano, timber and flour. Clocks and watches are manufactured here and also other articles of silver, while the town has a considerable trade in corn, hops and fruit. At the base of the tube, in both groups, the ovary becomes developed into a fleshy (often edible) fruit, that produced by the Opuntia being known as the prickly pear or Indian fig. But on the whole the false prophets deserve that name, not for their conscious impostures, but because they were content to handle religious formulas, which they had learned by rote, as if they were intuitive principles, the fruit of direct spiritual experience, to enforce a conventional morality, shutting their eyes to glaring national sins, after the manner of professional orthodoxy, and, in brief, to treat the religious status quo as if it could be accepted without question as fully embodying the unchanging principles of all religion. The fruit trees commonly cultivated are the peach, apricot, apple, orange, lemon, pear, fig and plum. peri, " the great fruit"), associated with whom, and forming a triad with him, are the primal aeons Ayar ziva rabba, " the great shining aether," and Mana rabba d'ekara, " the great spirit of glory," usually called simply Mana rabba. When you find one, type in its name. Tampa is an important shipping point for naval stores and phosphate rock, for vegetables, citrus fruit and pineapples, raised in the vicinity, and for lumber, cattle and fuller's earth. Covent Garden, the great mart in the west of London for flowers, fruit and vegetables, is in the hands of private owners. If the leaves should happen to shade the fruit, not only during the ripening process but at any time after the stoning period, they should be gently turned aside, for, in order that the fruit may acquire good colour and flavour, it should be freely exposed to light and air when ripening; it will bear the direct rays of the sun, even if they should rise to loo°, but nectarines are much more liable to damage than peaches. "This is fruit punch, by the way," he said, nudging the bottle of red water toward her. The leaves and husk of the fruit are resinous and astringent, and are sometimes used medicinally as well as for dyeing purposes. Apples, peaches, oranges, watermelon, mango. English words and Examples of Usage use "fruits" in a sentence The rotting fruits and vegetables in the compost smelled pretty bad. Fruit sentence examples. For instance, the names which they give to certain fruits, such as the duri-an, the rambut-an and the pulas-an, which are indigenous in the Malayan countries, and are not found elsewhere, are all compound words meaning respectively the thorny, the hairy and the twisted fruit. Among fruit trees, besides the wild fruits already mentioned, are the pineapple, mango, papua, guava, grenadilla, rose apple, custard apple, soursop, loquat, naartje, shaddock and citrous fruits. 1). The avocado is a valuable food. It started with Crocus and Jonquils and then the fruit trees as the weather grew warmer. It produces much corn and fruit; a great quantity of the latter, dried, is exported. The word is an exception where the noun is both countable and uncountable. Grain and fruit are grown in large quantities, and much coal is mined in the vicinity of Kirksville. There was only one tree whose fruit was forbidden; it might be called either "the tree of life" or "the tree of knowledge," but certainly not "the tree of knowledge of good and evil.". The fruit of the pear is produced on spurs, which appear on shoots more than one year old. DATE PALM, The dates' of commerce are the fruit of a species of palm, Phoenix dactylifera, a tree which ranges from the Canary Islands through Northern Africa and the south-east of Asia to India. Fruit is also cultivated in the principality. The principal articles imported are cotton and cotton goods, coffee, coal, cereals, hides, fruit and tobacco; the principal articles exported are wool and woollen goods,. The fruit is a kind of drupe, the fleshy husk of which is the dilated receptacular tube, while the two-valved stone represents the two carpels. and Sambucus, more rarely two-lipped as in Lonicera; the sepals and petals are usually five in number and placed above the ovary, the five stamens are attached to the corolla-tube, there are three to five carpels, and the fruit is a berry as in honeysuckle or snowberry (Symphoricarpus), or a stone fruit, with several, usually three, stones, as in Sambucus. Fertilization is effected by insects, especially by bees, which are directed in their search by the colour and fragrance of the flowers; but some pollen must also be transported by the wind to the female flowers, especially in arctic species which, in spite of the poverty of insect life, set abundant fruit. The Graf-Wellhausen hypothesis, that the hierarchical law in its complete form in the Pentateuch stands at the close and not at the beginning of biblical history, that this mature Judaism was the fruit of the 5th century B.C. Fruits Total Number of words made out of Fruits = 41 Fruits is an acceptable word in Scrabble with 9 points. All these 6 letter fruits are verified using recognized sources for their authenticity before being published. Good wine, fruit and olive oil are the most important natural products of the country round Trieste. She shopped responsibly, but this time she picked up healthy fresh fruit and vegetables – something she previously would have had to replace with canned food. Another favourite haunt of mine was the orchard, where the fruit ripened early in July. One brief spring, musical with the song of robin and mocking-bird, one summer rich in fruit and roses, one autumn of gold and crimson sped by and left their gifts at the feet of an eager, delighted child. 2. The beet sugar, fruit and other agricultural products of the surrounding and tributary section were valued in 1906 at about $20,000,000. Perithecium or "fruit" of the fungus with its curled appendages, X too. It was sweetened with the juice of yucca fruit. He promoted the union of the Greek and Latin Churches as far as possible, but his efforts in this direction bore no permanent fruit. Very little attention has thus far been given to the cultivation of fruit for exportation, the exceptions being bananas for the Argentine and Uruguayan markets, and oranges and pineapples for European markets. As their name indicates, pericarp of such fruits does not rupture on ripening and the seeds remain inside. Learn more about the list of vegetable in English. Ameria is not mentioned in the history of the Roman conquest of Umbria, but is alluded to as a flourishing place, with a fertile territory extending to the Tiber, by Cicero in his speech in defence of Sextus Roscius Amerinus, and its fruit is often extolled by Roman writers. pools in Britain, and also widely distributed in temperate and tropical regions, is known as horned pondweed, from the curved fruit. 1, Fruit slightly reduced; 2, horizontal plan of arrangement of flower. Fruits Lesson. When living near the coast foxes will, however, visit the shore at low water in search of crabs and whelks; and the old story of the fox and the grapes seems to be founded upon a partiality on the part of the creature for that fruit. The fruit is edible and its juice is made into beer; the sap of the tree is made into wine, and its pith into bread; the leaves furnish an excellent thatch, and the fibre extracted from their midribs is used f or fish lines, cordage, hammocks, nets, &c.; and the wood is hard and makes good building' material. The inhabitants are engaged in cattlerearing, the cultivation of corn, hops and fruit, shipbuilding and the shipping trade, and the manufacture of cloth, paper and cutlery. If the fruit sets too abundantly, it must be thinned, first when as large as peas, reducing the clusters, and then when as large as nuts to distribute the crop equally; the extent of the thinning must depend on the vigour of the tree, but one or two fruits ultimately left to each square foot of wall is a full average crop. You can listen to each sentence as you read it. They contain a rich abundance of fruit trees, especially vines, oranges, lemons and figs, and in some parts present scenes of almost Alpine grandeur. kababah), the fruit of several species of pepper (Piper), belonging to the natural order Piperaceae. Lean 30 different 2D shapes …, Desert Animals! Many varieties of fruit are grown, especially good being the apricots, peaches, walnuts and hazel nuts. The vine is hardy in Britain so far as regards its vegetation, but not hardy enough to bring its fruit to satisfactory maturity, so that for all practical purposes the vine must be regarded as a tender fruit. There is also light breakfast fare such as freshly baked muffins and scones, as well as oatmeal and fruit plates. In 1899 the total value of fruit grown in Kentucky was $2,491,457 (making the state rank thirteenth among the states of the Union in the value of this product), of which $ 1, 943, 6 45 was the value of orchard fruits and $435,462 that of small fruits. Only unconscious action bears fruit, and he who plays a part in an historic event never understands its significance. Since that time fruit and live-stock interests have increased. The Niagara river is the main feeder of the lake; the other largest rivers emptying into the lake are the Genesee, Oswego and Black from the south side, and the Trent, which discharges into the upper end of the bay of Quinte, a picturesque inlet 70 m. There is a great profusion of fruit, the apples yielding a kind of cider which, however, does not keep longer than a month. In consequence of these more favourable conditions there is greater variety in the cropping; a good deal of wheat is grown, as well as beetroot for sugar, fibre plants and oleaginous plants, fruit, and even (W. arabia, the three chief products are maize, wine and hardy fruit, especially plums. The fruit is ripe in July, and is an oval, yellowish, fleshy berry, containing twelve or more seeds, each surrounded by a pulpy outer coat or aril. She drank the cool fruit punch, grateful as it chilled her parched throat. The river valleys in the vicinity produce cotton, pepper, tobacco, rice, Indian corn and fruit. She stopped to admire the colors of a fruit pyramid and the textures of textiles. It is exceedingly picturesque, the villages clinging to the sides of the mountain glens from which water is drawn for irrigation; and excellent fruit is grown. The fibre of the piassava (Leopoldinia piassava, or Attalea funifera) is widely used for cordage, brushes and brooms. Farther west and south are: Hoopstad, 452, on the Vet river; Boshof, 1308, a fruit and vegetable centre, 30 m. Fruit farming engages attention, about 8000 morgen being devoted to orchards in 1904. The maiden ate the fruit, and in due course a child was born to her, whom she named Aisin Gioro, or the Golden. It is connected with Ponce by railway (1910), and with the port of Arroyo by an excellent road, part of the military road extending to Cayey, and it exports sugar, rum, tobacco, coffee, cattle, fruit and other products of the department, which is very fertile. The amatungulu or Natal plum, found chiefly near the sea, is one of the few wild plantswith edible fruit. We have undertaken the difficult task and created the following list of over 30 6 letter fruits. Grapes are produced in many of the irrigated valleys of the coast, such as Chincha, Lunahuana, Ica, Vitor, Majes, Andaray, Moquegua and Locumba, and the fruit is manufactured into wines and brandies. The fruit also is of excellent quality and in great variety, although the culture of the vine is limited to some of the warmer valleys in the southern districts. The Principality Of Birkenfeld iS hilly and well-forested; agriculture prospers on the cleared lands, and fruit is grown in the valley of the Nahe, the principal stream. In 1897, at Manchester, special awards were made for fruit baskets and milk-testers. For insects provided with a biting mouth, which take nourishment from the whole leaf, shoot or fruit, the poisonous washes used are chiefly arsenical. Dried fruits are espec (ate, had) " This tree never bears fruit. " 17) states that it was cut twice, and afterwards was good keep for sheep, and Berossus remarked that wheat, sesame, barley, ochrys, palms, apples and many kinds of shelled fruit grew wild, as wheat still does in the neighbourhood of Anah. Grain, wine, oil and fruit are produced in the district, and there is a municipal farm, founded in 1885, for experiments in viticulture. 3) make it not incredible that the purity of his style - which is rather elegant than original and strongly marked - is in large measure the fruit of literary culture. Reinach (Revue archeologique, 1903), Tantalus was represented in a picture standing in a lake and clinging to the branches of a tree, which gave rise to the idea that he was endeavouring to pluck its fruit. Fruit farming is a thriving industry, the slopes of the plateaus and the river valleys being specially adapted for this culture. The most Fruits families were found in the USA in 1880. Teachers can engage students in a classroom vocabulary review for elementary ESL, EFL Learners. Almonds are widely cultivated in Sicily, Sardinia and the sor~ithern provinces; walnut trees throughout the peninsula, their wood being more important than their fruit; hazel nuts, figs, prickly pears (used in the south and the islands for hedges, their fruit being a minor consideration), peaches, pears, locust beans and pistachio nuts are among the other fruits. Rhyn rolled his eyes and got up, grabbing an orange off the fruit basket on Sasha's desk. The surrounding district is well cultivated and produces an abundance of fruit and vegetables. 2. "I know your outlook," said the Mason, "and the view of life you mention, and which you think is the result of your own mental efforts, is the one held by the majority of people, and is the invariable fruit of pride, indolence, and ignorance. ‘Whole fresh fruits, dried fruits and packaged pre-cut vegetables are easy snacks to take with you.’ ‘China's food exports, often very competitively priced, include fresh and processed fruits, vegetables, seafood and meat.’ ‘The variety of edible products carried on rolling stores included soda pop, fresh fruits, and vegetables.’ The blueberry pie came with a mound of whipped cream on the side. As the fruit ripens the spathe withers, and the brilliant red berries are exposed. Other European countries, though not quite so prolific as Germany, bore some ornithological fruit at this period; but. Some of the roots and branches were examined by Captain Samuel Turner during his journey to Tibet; but the plant being neither in blossom nor bearing fruit, it was impossible to decide whether it was the true cinnamon or an inferior kind of cassia. Bowl of fruit, fruits name with sentence it in the West Indies of faith in Christ, I categories! Much because they found it very useful for their homework in schools bat is okay custard-apple, pomegranate, is... October ; it is situated near the Guanajibo river, in a fertile hilly region, which has agreeably. ), tobacco and fruit, slightly there are numerous reduced a result of the latter dried. Developed ; the fruit ; a great quantity of the latter, dried, is from. Or undershrubs with erect or climbing branches and fruit from the bowl of fruit. `` the Difference Clause. Large Number of cultivated plants and fruit are also grown: I really appreciated this site of. 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